Tips and Travel of Turkey

How Safe Is Turkey For American Tourists?

How safe is Turkey for American tourists? Security in Turkey is one of the most critical issues that all people, including American tourists, consider when traveling.

Turkey is a tourist country that hosts many travelers who travel to this country every year. Therefore, the Turkish government attaches great importance to security in this country, especially in tourist cities such as Istanbul and Antalya. But this is not all that ensures the safety of passengers. So, to answer the question, how safe is Turkey for American tourists? We have to check other things to reach a logical and complete conclusion. So stay with this article from the Travelling Topic website until the end.

How safe is Turkey for American tourists?

How safe is Turkey for American tourist
How safe is Turkey for American tourist

To answer the question, how safe is Turkey for American tourists?, we must consider the following four aspects:

  1. Internal Security

Internal Security
Internal Security

Tourist countries do their best for the safety of tourists, and Turkey is no exception to this rule. The use of the police force, the army, and facilities such as 24-hour closed-circuit cameras in tourist cities and crowded areas have established good security in Turkey.

If you want to visit the seven tourist cities of Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir, Ankara, Didim, Bursa, and Bodrum, in answer to How safe Turkey is for American tourists, we can say this level is satisfactory. They have placed the safety of tourists at the highest level of their agenda. Tourism significantly contributes to the Turkish economy, and every year, Turkey earns billions of dollars from the tourism industry. Also, Turkey is one of the countries where racism has no meaning, and its people have no problems with each other and are completely free to choose their lifestyle.

If you are a woman and want to travel to Turkey, you can also get help from the article is Cappadocia safe for solo female travelers. Even for traveling to Dubai, you can read the article Is It Safe To Travel To Dubai As A Woman?

  1. Terrorism and crime safety

Terrorism and crime safety
Terrorism and crime safety

Terrorist attacks were seen in major cities of Turkey until 2016. A big coup also happened this year. However, those days are long gone. The Turkish government has begun eradicating terrorism, and there have been no attacks since 2016.

Also, the Turkish army is one of the most powerful armies in the world. In the judicial system of this country, the obligations of Swiss law, Italian criminal law, and German commercial law are applied.

  1. The proximity of Türkiye to the war between Russia and Ukraine

The proximity of Türkiye to the war between Russia and Ukraine
The proximity of Türkiye to the war between Russia and Ukraine

One of the latest issues that cause American tourists to worry and think about “How safe is Turkey for American tourists?” is the war between Russia and Ukraine in the region. But it is interesting to know that many people from these two war-torn countries like to choose Turkey for long-term asylum, and this shows that Turkey is a safe country and this war has not affected its security.

  1. Earthquake of 2023 in Türkiye

Earthquake of 2023 in Türkiye
Earthquake of 2023 in Türkiye

Turkey is located in a seismic zone, which increases the risk of severe earthquakes. One of them happened in 2023 and caused a lot of financial and human losses. An earthquake is a natural event, and its occurrence time cannot be predicted. However, the more critical issue is security after the earthquake in the areas where the earthquake happened. After a few months of this incident, security was established in the earthquake-affected areas of Turkey. (For more security, you can stay away from these areas.)

How do we communicate with the police and emergency in Türkiye?

How do we communicate with the police and emergency in Türkiye
How do we communicate with the police and emergency in Türkiye

In the previous section, we discussed how safe Turkey is for American tourists. We proved the reasons for your high security in this country. Still, despite the security in most cities of Turkey, there is a possibility of danger and problems like anywhere else in the world.

It is better to raise your awareness in advance to do the best work in these times. If you are in danger in one of the Turkish cities and need to contact the police, you can call 155. This number is free; you can call the police from any phone. Remember that in tourist cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, and Izmir, you can get help from the tourism police for theft, lost passport, or other similar problems.

Also, 156 is the gendarmerie number for those areas if your residence was in the village.

The ambulance call number is 112, and calling it is free. You can call emergency from any place and with any phone.

Security Tips in Turkey

We recommend that you take the same safety precautions in Turkey as you do in your home country:

  • Although the police are present in most parts of the city, taking care of your bags, mobile phones, children, and most importantly, your identification documents in crowded places is recommended.
  • Keep money in your pocket to avoid pickpocketing.
  • Try to avoid stopping in crowded places.
  • Do not take drinks and food from strangers.
  • Only use authorized taxis and always inform a trusted person of your location and destination.

At the end of the line

Turkish people treat tourists well, but one of the critical factors in choosing a travel destination is security. People like to travel and migrate to a highly secure country or city. In this article from Traveling Topic, we discussed how safe is Turkey for American tourists and pointed out important points to increase safety.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the safest cities in Türkiye?

According to the crime and safety index, Turkey has 6 of the safest cities in the world. These cities are: Eskişehir, Bursa, Antalya, Izmir, Ankara and Istanbul.

What is the safest city in Türkiye?

Security in Istanbul is at its standard and conventional level, and most areas have very high security. Security in Istanbul is so high that 24-hour security cameras monitor most areas of the city to minimize the possibility of danger. The police also monitor the situation of the city around the clock.
Due to the high security in this city, the officials of Istanbul have created a tourist office for the welfare of tourists. The police officers in this office are fully fluent in several languages and are ready to serve travelers and tourists.

What is the second safest city in Türkiye?

Ankara’s tourist and beautiful city is the second safest city in Türkiye. This level of security shows Ankara is worth visiting.

How do we know safe areas in Türkiye?

Most regions of Türkiye have a green label. The green label indicates that the area has the highest security.

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