Geography and Neighborhoods of Turkey

How Many States Are In Turkey? | List Of States Of Turkey

Turkey Provinces Name

This article explains the states of Turkey and the cities within them, and I have provided you with a complete introduction and view of the cities of Turkey, and I hope this article will be useful for you.

How many states are in Turkey?

How many states are in Turkey?
How many states are in Turkey?

Turkey has a total of 81 states or provinces. Among these 81 states, Düzce is the newest state. After the August 17, 1999 earthquake, the states of Türkiye were divided again.

List of states of Turkey

1.      Adana 2.      Edirne 3.      Malatya
4.      Adıyaman 5.      Elazığ 6.      Manisa
7.      Afyon 8.      Erzincan 9.      Mardin
10.   Ağrı 11.   Erzurum 12.   Mersin
13.   Aksaray 14.   Eskişehir 15.   Mugla
16.   Amasya 17.   Gaziantep 18.   Mus
19.   Ankara 20.   Giresun 21.   Nevşehir
22.   Antalya 23.   Gümüşhane 24.   Niğde
25.   Ardahan 26.   Hakkari 27.   Ordu
28.   Artvin 29.   Hatay 30.   Osmaniye
31.   Aydın 32.   Iğdır 33.   Rize
34.   Balıkesir 35.   Isparta 36.   Sakarya
37.   Bartın 38.   İstanbul 39.   Samsun
40.   Batman 41.   İzmir 42.   Siirt
43.   Bayburt 44.   Kahramanmaraş 45.   Sinop
46.   Bilecik 47.   Karabük 48.   Sivas
49.   Bingöl 50.   Karaman 51.   Şanlıurfa
52.   Bitlis 53.   Kars 54.   Şırnak
55.   Bolu 56.   Kastamonu 57.   Tekirdag
58.   Burdur 59.   Kayseri 60.   Tokat
61.   Bursa 62.   Kırıkkale 63.   Trabzon
64.   Çanakkale 65.   Kırklareli 66.   Tunceli
67.   Çankırı 68.   Kırşehir 69.   Usak
70.   Çorum 71.   Kilis 72.   Van
73.   Denizli 74.   Kocaeli 75.   Yalova
76.   Diyarbakir 77.   Konya 78.   Yozgat
79.   Düzce 80.   Kütahya 81.   Zonguldak

Division of regions of Turkey

Division of regions of Turkey
Division of regions of Turkey

Countries are divided into different regions according to some internal changes such as climate, topography, vegetation and population, and for these reasons, Turkey is divided into 7 different geographical regions.

These geographical regions are as follows:

  1. Akdeniz Bölgesi
  2. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi
  3. Ege Bölgesi
  4. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi
  5. İç Anadolu Bölgesi
  6. Karadeniz Bölgesi
  7. Marmara Region

Cities of Akdeniz Bölgesi

Cities of Akdeniz Bölgesi
Cities of Akdeniz Bölgesi
1.     Adana 2.     Isparta 3.     Kahramanmaraş
4.     Antalya 5.     Mersin 6.     Karaman’ın Bir Kısmı
7.     Burdur 8.     Osmaniye 9.     Afyonkarahisar’ın Bir Kısmı
10.  Hatay 11.  Konya’nın Bir Kısmı 12.  Denizli’nin Bir Kısmı
13.  Gaziantep’in Bir Kısmı

Cities of Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi

Cities of Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi
Cities of Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi
1.     Ağrı 2.     Kars 3.     Erzincan
4.     Ardahan 5.     Malatya 6.     Erzurum
7.     Bitlis 8.     Muş 9.     Hakkâri
10.  Bingöl 11.  Tunceli 12.  Iğdır
13.  Elâzığ 14.  Van

Cities of Ege Bölgesi

Cities of Ege Bölgesi
Cities of Ege Bölgesi
1.     Afyonkarahisar 2.     Denizli 3.     Denizli 4.     Muğla
5.     Aydın 6.     İzmir 7.     İzmir 8.     Uşak

Cities of Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi

Cities of Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi
Cities of Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi
1.     Adıyaman 2.     Gaziantep 3.     Şanlıurfa
4.     Batman 5.     Kilis 6.     Siirt
7.     Diyarbakir 8.     Mardin 9.     Şırnak

Cities of İç Anadolu Bölgesi

Cities of İç Anadolu Bölgesi
Cities of İç Anadolu Bölgesi
1.     Ankara 2.     Sivas 3.     Kırşehir
4.     Konya 5.     Kırıkkale 6.     Niğde
7.     Kayseri 8.     Aksaray 9.     Nevşehir
10.  Eskişehir 11.  Karaman 12.  Yozgat
13.  Çankırı

Cities of Karadeniz Bölgesi

Cities of Karadeniz Bölgesi
Cities of Karadeniz Bölgesi
1.     Karabük 2.     Bolu 3.     Tokat
4.     Düzce 5.     Gümüşhane 6.     Rize
7.     Amasya 8.     Samsun 9.     Ordu
10.  Artvin 11.  Trabzon 12.  Çorum
13.  Bartın 14.  Sinop 15.  Kastamonu
16.  Bayburt 17.  Zonguldak 18.  Giresun

Cities of Marmara region

Cities of Marmara region
Cities of Marmara region
1.     İstanbul 2.     Çanakkale 3.     Bilecik
4.     Edirne 5.     Kocaeli 6.     Bursa
7.     Kırklareli 8.     Yalova 9.     Balıkesir
10.  Tekirdag 11.  Sakarya

The most populous state of Türkiye

The most populous state or province of Turkey is Istanbul, which according to the latest statistics, has about 15 million people. This state is located northwest of Turkey. It is interesting to know that this city was known as the capital of the great Ottoman Empire in the past.

The smallest state of Turkey

Van can be considered the smallest state of Turkey in terms of area; located in the east of Turkey. Due to its location in a mountainous region and around Lake Van, this state has many natural attractions and important ancient and historical monuments. The area of this state includes about 3.3% of the country’s total area, and a population of about 1.1 million people live in it.

The largest state in Turkey

The largest state in Turkey is Konya. This state is located in the central part of Turkey. With an area of more than 40 thousand square kilometres and a population of more than 2.2 million people, Konya is the largest state in Turkey in terms of area.

At the end of the line

In this article on the travelling topic, I answered the question of how many states are in Turkey, and I also provided a list of states in Turkey for those interested. As mentioned, Turkey has 81 provinces, the largest of which is Konya, and the smallest is Van province.

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