Tips and Travel of Turkey

Istanbul Vs Cappadocia Which Is Better?

Shopping in Cappadocia vs Istanbul

The most repeated sentence you have seen at the beginning of every article is that Turkey is one of the most tourist countries in the world, and many tourists travel to this city every year. When travelling to countries like Turkey, where almost all the cities are touristic, choosing the desired city and destination isn’t easy. For this reason, Travelling Topic Tourism magazine has investigated and compared different cities in Turkey for the easy choice of tourists.

Previously, in the articles “Ankara vs Istanbul“, “Antalya vs Istanbul“, “Antalya vs Bodrum“, “Antalya or Marmaris,” and “Alanya vs Antalya“, we compared different cities in Turkey. In this article, we will introduce you to Istanbul and Cappadocia. If you are planning to travel to Turkey and do not know to go to the Istanbul or Cappadocia, stay with us until the end of the article Istanbul vs Cappadocia.

Introducing the city of Istanbul

Introducing the city of Istanbul
Introducing the city of Istanbul

To better understand the comparison between Istanbul and Cappadocia, it is better to have a brief introduction about this city first. Istanbul is one of the oldest cities in Turkey, which many people visit it yearly. Suitable living conditions, beautiful urban fabric, historic places, large markets, various hotels, clothing stores in Istanbul, numerous restaurants, beautiful beaches, Istanbul water parks, moderate and suitable weather with the high culture of the people caused the tourism industry to develop strongly in this city.

Introducing Cappadocia

Introducing Cappadocia
Introducing Cappadocia

Cappadocia is an ancient city in the semi-arid region of central Anatolia in Turkey. This area is between Nowshehri, Nigdeh, Kirsehir, Aksaray and Kayseri. This historical area is very popular and famous because of its legendary chimneys. Cappadocia is approximately 735 km from Istanbul. This city was registered as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1985. Cappadocia in Turkish means the land of beautiful horses.

The most important reason for the popularity and fame of Cappadocia is the balloon rides and rock climbing in this area. For more information about hot air balloon rides, read the article “How much is a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia?”

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of weather

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of weather
Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of weather

In the first comparison between Istanbul and Cappadocia, we will examine one of the most important issues: the weather. If you look at Istanbul on the map, you will see the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, the Balkan Peninsula and Anatolia nearby; Therefore, you should expect Mediterranean weather in this city. This means you experience the hottest days of the year in the first months of summer, and winters have the coldest days. Also, the sudden rains in spring and autumn will surprise you!

It rains in Cappadocia in all seasons except summer. This region’s winter lasts from December to February with an approximate temperature of -2 degrees Celsius. In this season, Cappadocia usually has between 20 and 30 cm of snow. Of course, this issue does not cancel the tourist tours of this region. If you plan to travel to Cappadocia in winter, read the article “What to do in Cappadocia in winter“.

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the recreational places

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the recreational places
Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the recreational places

The comparison between Istanbul and Cappadocia is very interesting regarding places of entertainment. Both cities have a lot of entertainment places, but these entertainment places are completely different from each other. Balloon rides, horse riding tours, rafting, rock climbing, photography, sama dance, etc., are among Cappadocia’s most important entertainment places. Still, it is completely different compared to the entertainment in Istanbul. Beach entertainment, water parks, nightclubs, Istanbul amusement parks, etc., are among the most important forms of entertainment in Istanbul. The interesting thing about the entertainment of these two cities is that they have nothing in common and are completely different.

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the historical places

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the historical places
Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the historical places

Both cities are very rich in historical places, so if you want to see all the historical places of this city, you may need more than 10 days. Istanbul churches, Istanbul mosques, palaces left by old kings, etc., are among the most important historical places in Istanbul.

Derinkuyu underground city, Kaymakli underground city, Och Hisar village, Pasabag Valley, elf and fairy chimneys, Urgup Village, etc., are also among Cappadocia’s most important historical places.

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the culture and customs

Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the culture and customs
Istanbul vs Cappadocia in term of the culture and customs

We have dedicated the last comparison between Istanbul and Cappadocia to the culture and customs of the people of these two cities. The culture and customs of the people of Istanbul, Turkey, are strongly influenced by two different European and Islamic cultures. In this country, no one disrespects another because of the type of clothing or certain beliefs. You can see the peaceful life of Muslims with a European culture next to those with a traditional culture. Most of the people in Istanbul wear clothes such as shirts or blouses with worn pants and preferably jeans. Older men often wear cloth pants, and older women wear short skirts and cotton socks. But there is no limit to covering, and you can dress however you want.

The culture of Cappadocia is also very similar to the people of Istanbul. Because these two cities are among the tourist areas of Istanbul, the type of clothing, alcoholic beverages, etc., is free, and no one insults another person.

At the end of the line

In this article, we examined and compared Istanbul vs Cappadocia. In the end, it is you who choose which city to go to according to your taste. Both cities become very crowded in the summer and spring seasons, resulting in increased costs such as buying tickets, hotel reservations, food, etc. Therefore, if you want to reduce your expenses, winter is the best season to travel to these two cities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far is Istanbul from Cappadocia?

The distance between these two cities is approximately 735 km. If you have enough time, you can visit both cities.

Cappadocia or Istanbul is better?

In general comparison, Istanbul is more popular. But in the end, both cities are among the best cities in Turkey, each of which has its characteristics.

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