Migration and Life of Turkey

What Is Turkish White Cheese? Types Of Cheese In Turkey

Turkish cheese for breakfast

Turkish breakfast is one of the most delicious meals in Turkey. I suggest you eat different traditional and modern breakfasts of this country during your trip. If you have ever traveled to this country, you have noticed that Turkish breakfasts are among the famous food of Turkey.

Since breakfast is very important in Turkey, and the variety of breakfast in this country is great, it should be mentioned that the variety of cheese is also very large, and its consumption is high because they use it in many foods besides breakfast, such as omelets, pasta, salads, Börek, toast, etc.

Tulum cheese, Lor cheese, cream cheese, Kashar cheese, Ezine cheese, Roquefort cheese, Camembert cheese, Parmesan cheese, Mozzarella cheese, herb cheese, etc are among Turkish cheeses. But one of the most famous Turkish cheeses is white cheese. If you like white cheese, stay with Travelling Topic until the end of this article.

What is Turkish white cheese?

What is white cheese
What is white cheese

Turkish white cheeses have various flavors in Turkey. They can be made from cow’s, sheep’s, or goat’s milk, they can also be hard or soft. It is often eaten on its own or with watermelon or melon in the summer months in the coastal city of Antalya and other Turkish cities.

Also, this cheese has a lot of nutritional value. In each ounce of this cheese, 75 calories of energy are found, along with 4 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. Also, white cheese offers the consumer a reasonable amount of minerals such as calcium, sodium, folic acid, vitamins B-6, B-12, A, and K, and a range of beneficial probiotics.

Different types of white cheese in other countries

Different types of white cheese in other countries
Different types of white cheese in other countries

It may be interesting for you to know that all types of white cheese may look similar, but they are not all the same and differ.

There are different types of white cheese, including:

  1. Bulgarian white cheese
  2. Danish white cheese
  3. Australian white cheese
  4. Israeli white cheese
  5. French white cheese

Types of cheese in Turkey

Above, you got acquainted with the types of white cheeses in Turkey; I plan to introduce other Turkish cheeses to you in the following.

Tulum cheese

In Türkiye, there is a type of cheese called Tulum. This is a dry cheese made from goat’s milk. Turkish people usually use this cheese in cooking simple pasta.

Lor cheese

This type of cheese is very soft, and whey is used to keep it soft. It has two types, salted and unsalted, and it is also a rich source of protein.

Roquefort cheese | moldy cheese

French Roquefort cheese, called mouldy cheese in Turkey because of the mould inside the cheese, is used as an appetizer with red wine.

Mozzarella cheese in Turkish

Mozzarella cheese is widely used in Turkey and salads and pizzas.

What is the nutritional value of Turkish white cheese?

What is the nutritional value of Turkish white cheese
What is the nutritional value of Turkish white cheese

The nutritional value of 800 grams of Turkish white cheese includes the following:

  • Energy: 54 kcal
  • Sugar: 0.01 grams
  • Fat: 3.96 grams
  • Salt: 0.69 grams
  • Trans fatty acids: 0.14 grams

Note: These numbers are only for one type of Turkish white cheese. As I said at the beginning, there are different types of white cheese, and these numbers may differ for other cheeses.

What is the production method of Turkish white cheese?

What is the production method of Turkish white cheese
What is the production method of Turkish white cheese

In other countries, cow’s milk is used to make white cheese; in Turkey, the original white cheese is made from a mixture of goat and sheep milk. One of the most important points I must consider when preparing white cheese is that more than 30% of white cheese should not be from goat’s milk.

After the milk is pasteurized, beneficial bacteria are used to positively change the milk to separate the whey from the pieces made of casein protein. Finally, the rennet is added. The curds and pieces of the milk will remain in the mold for 24 hours by draining the whey. Now, the final cheese will be formed.

After hardening, the pieces of milk are cut into cubes, salted, and placed in wooden barrels or metal containers for three days, and finally, the cheese blocks are placed in the salt solution for two months in the refrigerator.

What are the properties of Turkish white cheese?

What are the properties of Turkish white cheese
What are the properties of Turkish white cheese

Turkish white cheese, like any food, has many properties for your body, but people consume it regardless of its many properties. Treating cataracts, strengthening vision, treating autism, reducing migraine pains, improving brain metabolism, reducing stress, and improving the digestive system are some of the important properties of this food.

Also, pay attention to the fact that the longer the Turkish white cheese stays, the tastier and more beneficial it will be.

What are the side effects of using too much white Turkish cheese?

Usually, excessive or indiscriminate consumption of any food item may also have consequences. The hidden problems of consuming white cheese include various allergic reactions and cardiovascular problems in case of consuming too much of it.

At the end of the line

In this article, I discussed” What is Turkish white cheese “and examined it. Turkey has many different kinds of cheese, each with a unique taste. If you travel to Turkey one day, you must try the taste of Turkish breakfast and cheeses.

If you want more information about the best Turkish cheese, you can ask me your question in the comments section to get your answer as soon as possible. Finally, I suggest you read the article “Food Prices In Turkey” to get more information about this country before entering Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best storage conditions for white cheese?

The best storage conditions for white cheese are to store it in saltwater and the refrigerator, which leads to storing the cheese for a long time to avoid spoiling or becoming bitter.

Can white cheese cause allergies?

The cheese itself is not the cause of allergy, but if you are allergic to milk and dairy products, cheese is probably not an exception, and the side effects of this issue will also affect you.

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Hi there! I'm Sina and I love to travel and write. I travel to discover hidden gems in different countries. In this site, I will share with you all the experiences I have gained during my travels. To learn more about me, read the About Us page.

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